Joyce Kamen is a true warrior bent on saving lives. The world is a better place thanks to her actions.

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Thank you for doing the right thing, and letting the world know the truth. Happy Easter, a day of truth and hope for everyone, because Jesus overcame death for us all, and a way to escape the evils of men.

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What we need to understand is the deep malevolence behind those that control the powerful. There are creatures who lurk behind the scenes who do not have any intention of allowing humans to thrive. Once you understand that, everything else makes sense.

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Thanks for reposting. I was also censored from Medium for this article about Ivermectin. https://coronawise.substack.com/p/open-letter-and-challenge-for-rachel

I am grateful for Substack's freedom and community.

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Dr Zelenko was the first person I heard "noise abroad" a comprehensive explanation of the reasons why people sick with covid were being denied treatment with safe, low cost, generic drugs in the US and the rest of the "west".

One of those reasons can be seen to be used by merck in their "carefully" worded press release using "No scientific basis", "No meaningful evidence", "lack of safety data" and "the data available".

Dr. Zelenko explained that in the run-up to the "pandemic" as part of the big pharma war on low cost generic drugs and as part of their "capture" of the fda, cdc, nih, and niaid these "captured" public "health" agencies agreed that only the double blind placebo control study would be recognized as a source of "scientific basis" and "meaningful evidence" and "safety data" and "available data". So unless it comes from institutions that can fund these expensive studies - big pharma or large institutions with some degree of "capture" it does not exist.

So real world clinical data effectively does not exist. Such as the high rate of prevention of hospitalization for the high risk category covid patients who received various early outpatient covid treatments seen in the clinical practices of REAL DOCTORS across Our World

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#livesnotmoney #neverletthemforget #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #diedunecessarily #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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